4 DIY Ideas For Your Retail Store Displays

Fitting out your retail store presents you with endless possibilities, but with all the shop fittings in front of you it can get overwhelming. But your retail displays don’t have to be a headache, there are heaps of simple and effective options and plenty that you can even build and … Read more

4 Space-Saving Tips For Garage Storage Systems

Whether you want to give your garage a clean-out or you want to maximise on space, having an effective storage system is the perfect way to bring order to your garage.  It doesn’t matter if you use your garage to store tools and appliances, or as an extension of your … Read more

6 Tips For Effective Commercial Display Systems

People are highly visual in nature. This fact is particularly important if you’re running a physical store. One of the main reasons people visit stores and shop offline is so that they can see items in person and test them or try them on. This is why commercial displays are … Read more

How To Hang Pictures With A Wire Hanging System

Do you need to hang pictures or other display items in your business or commercial space? A wire hanging system offers a creative and versatile option, and can become a stand-out feature in your space. Instead of having set screw locations in the wall, wire hanging systems allow you to … Read more

Where to buy slatwall

Slatwall is a versatile and space efficient display system for everything from shops, showrooms, storage and exhibition spaces. They are a popular option in display and shopfitting because they are able to maximise even the smallest spaces. This ensures that you have plenty of usable floor space and can effectively … Read more

How To Choose The Best Retail Shelving For You

If you’re fitting out a new retail space or looking to give your shop an overhaul, you might be overwhelmed by the sheer number of shelving options available.  Brick-and-mortar retail stores require a specific set of strategies and visual merchandising tactics, and this is where product displays come into play.  … Read more

How To Display Clothes On A Wall

Are you fitting out your retail space or clothing store and unsure what kind of system to use? If you’re wondering how to display clothes on a wall and you want to create a sleek, appealing display, then a wall system is your best choice. There are many options available … Read more

What is Melamine Retail Shelving?

Melamine retail shelves are a great, cost effective shelving option and offer a neat and sleek design aesthetic.  The major advantage of melamine (laminate) is that is available in a huge range of colours from suppliers such as Polytec, Laminex and Formica so it can be easily colour matched to … Read more

Why Is Branded Merchandise Important?

Branded merchandise isn’t exclusively for big and already well-known brands. It’s a great way for businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes to share their brand with customers and fans, as well as being a great tool to promote brand awareness. What does branded merchandise mean? What exactly is … Read more

What is Slatwall?

Slatwall is a display wall system which features panels with horizontal grooves cut out. It is then attached to walls or units so that different accessories can be hung or slotted into the grooves. It is known by a few names, such as slatted wall, slat wall, grooved panelling and … Read more

What is fake wood panelling on walls called?

You may have seen imitation decorative wood panelling while scrolling through interior design images on Pinterest or Instagram and marveled at how realistic it is & how beautiful they can make a space look.  So, what is this wood panelling on walls called?  The common terms to search for include: … Read more

What is a sneeze guard?

In recent times, you may have noticed new sneeze guards in your local grocery stores and other retail locations. With the world facing a global pandemic, many businesses are stepping up to increase the protection measure for their staff and patrons. So, what is a sneeze guard? Why do businesses … Read more

Can you put wall panelling on the ceiling?

You might have seen a wall panel that fits your homes’ aesthetic and wondered if you can install it onto your ceiling rather than on a wall. So, can you put wall panelling on the ceiling? The answer is that is depends on a variety of factors, including your ceiling, … Read more